Sunday, December 8, 2019

Information About EIA On Mining Industry †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Explain Information About EIA On Mining Industry? Answer: Introduction Development of EIA on mining industry The first part I thought was to do the screening of the mining industry. After my complete analysis on the subject, I went through the finding on the harmful consequences of the mining industry. It shows that there is an urgent need for the development of EIA project on mining industry. According to environmental protection act 1974, serious effect and consequences on the environment will be taken in to consideration. Using screening of the environment, it can provide us the analysis statement whether an EIA is necessary for the mining industry or not (Jones, Michelfelder Nair, 2017). Before further discussion, I want to provide a brief note on EIA (environment impact assessment). EIA created for the betterment of the environment and natural resources. It includes three major factors of environment that is use for the analysis of the overall environmental condition. EIA helps in assessing the future predictions about the environment (Ruben, Asokan Vinodh, 2017). After assessing the environmental issues, it discusses the various regulations created for the betterment and improvement in the environmental conditions. After the brief note on EIA, the next part includes various stages of EIA. First step includes identification of different study goals and targets. Second step includes screening of the levels in the assessment of environmental issues. There can be like pollution issue that taken for screening purpose while assessing the issues. Screening involves questions in relation to the issue and the proper solution for the issues in yes or no format. It includes the effect and the significance of the environmental problems in mining industry. The third step gives the scope of assessment like the impact and benefit on the future for creating a sustainable system in mining industry (Nami, Mahmoudi Nemati, 2017). Fourth step includes the measurement of baseline conditions that is to identify the net effect on the environment and to provide effective solutions. It creates a baseline in relation to the changes required for the development in mining industry to measure the net effect. Once it measures the baseline, it predicts the future actions and effects that can take place while using sustainable systems (Vethaak et al., 2017). It provides an analysis report on the overall issues of the mining industry, and its importance in near future. Then a modified action mitigated includes findings and recommendation as per the required issues. Mitigation will help to know about the negative impact on the mining industry, thereby it provides solutions and effectives steps to reduce and solve the negative influence on the environment of mining industry I think public cooperation also plays an important role. Development of EIA on mining industry draws out the necessary issues taken into considerations. A well-managed project includes successful creation of mitigation process for different projects, will give a fresh screening in relation to the development of Environmental impact assessment on mining sector. On addition to this, it monitors and finally modifies the entire actions in relation to the EIA for Mining industry (Seager Hinrichs, 2017). Identify study goals Screening level assessment Measure baseline conditions Predicts effects and likelihood of actions Summarise and analyse findings Evaluates significance of findings Modify proposed actions (alternative, mitigation) Communicate findings and recommendations Decide on proposed action Monitor effects of action Further, modify and mitigate the action Monitor effects of action Once the stages formulated, the important part of EIA is the final approval for the mining industry. The required project on the EIA of mining industry submitted to the desired authority. The authority takes the decision to accept or reject the EIA of the mining industry. As it includes errors, omissions, a lengthy process, thereby to avoid such biasness, there can be a review of the created document that will be presented to the decision maker for analyzing the EIA project whether it is acceptable or not, information is correct or not. Once verified by the decision makers it can be proceed further for the final EIA to the authority. In 1990, there was a correction made in the EA act, after which it started protecting the environment using the principles of ecological sustainable environment. Government created laws and regulations act in many countries including Australia for the protection and saving of the environment. The national environment health strategy develops a project for the betterment and improvement in the health of the public that deteriorated due to creation of big industries and work force. In addition to this, there were factory acts and safety health laws established for the concern of public health As per my point of view, the harmful effect at mining industry will affect the environment. Setting up a mining industry will include many factors and activities that can erode the soil of the nearby areas. In addition to this, there can be incidental release of mercury and the gold ore. The harmful element including the toxic gases and smoke enters the air thereby creates air pollution. Apart from this, natural resources affected due to the construction of mining activities. It also creates noise pollution that creates problems for the nearby localities (Yang, 2017). Conclusion Countries are responsible for the degradation of natural resources and lands. There are risks associated to cities and countries due to climate changes, degradation and wastage of resources due to growth in industrialization and urbanization. Due to change in dynamic and economic growth factor, it became an urgent need for the caring of environmental issues. After the complete evaluation on the mining industry, I think development of EIA at the construction of mining industry needed for the sustainable system. EIA department should implement immediately for this industry in order to protect the air pollution, noise pollution and natural resources. References Jones, S. A., Michelfelder, D., Nair, I. (2017). Engineering managers and sustainable systems: the need for and challenges of using an ethical framework for transformative leadership.Journal of Cleaner Production,140, 205-212. Nami, H., Mahmoudi, S. M. S., Nemati, A. (2017). Exergy, economic and environmental impact assessment and optimization of a novel cogeneration system including a gas turbine, a supercritical CO 2 and an organic Rankine cycle (GT-HRSG/SCO 2).Applied Thermal Engineering,110, 1315-1330. Ruben, R. B., Asokan, P., Vinodh, S. (2017). Performance evaluation of lean sustainable systems using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system: a case study.International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 1-18. Seager, T. P., Hinrichs, M. M. (2017). Technology and science: innovation at the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology. Vethaak, A. D., Davies, I. M., Thain, J. E., Gubbins, M. J., Martnez-Gmez, C., Robinson, C. D., ... Giltrap, M. (2017). Integrated indicator framework and methodology for monitoring and assessment of hazardous substances and their effects in the marine environment.Marine environmental research,124, 11-20. Yang, J. (2017). Environmental impact assessment. InEnvironmental Management in Mega Construction Projects(pp. 21-26). Springer Singapore.

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